
We are a fundraising charity that aims to ensure that all children in Camden are able to participate in music. 

As well as being hugely enjoyable, music making brings enormous benefits to personal and wider development, such as resilience, team building and self-discipline.

Photos from the Camden Schools Music Festival courtesy of Camden Council

What we support

We raise funds to support activities that schools are unable to provide, and which enrich the music experience of children and young people in Camden, including:

  • Bursaries to support children (including those with disabilities) whose families cannot afford music lessons and activities outside schools, so they may enjoy the same benefits as less disadvantaged peers.
  • Events that inspire children and encourage them to aim high, such as the biennial Camden Schools’ Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall, concerts in major London venues, and other specifically devised programmes.
  • Running costs of two Saturday Music Centres, 35 youth ensembles (choirs, orchestras, jazz and other music groups) and holiday courses.
  • Musical instruments for loan or low-cost hire to young learners.

Activities funded by the charity are delivered by Camden Music Service under a grant agreement.

What we fund

Students playing musical instruments


We are currently supporting 18 children from low-income families, enabling them to fulfil their music potential.

Students playing musical instruments

Music making groups

The range of more that 35 instrumental and choral ensembles offers something for everyone.


Instrument loan

Having instruments available to lend means that no child needs to miss the opportunity to develop musical skills for lack of financial resources.

Camden Schools Music Festival 2023 massed choirs and all instrumentalists perform finale at the Royal Albert Hall


The myriad events we support include the biennial Royal Albert Hall festival, concerts at major London venues including LSO St Lukes and the Shaw Theatre as well as numerous local performances and concerts.


For more information about the Camden Music Trust please email info@camdenmusictrust.org

For more information on music opportunities offered by the Camden Music Service please email camdenmusic@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 7232.

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